Success Auditing has a reputation as an industry leader in the unclaimed property  field. We are known for our vigorous prosecution of each of our clients’ claims, as well as uncompromising customer service.

From the moment that our audit team identifies and notifies you of your claim until the proceeds are delivered to you, we keep you abreast of all aspects of your claim. In fact, our clients’.

Involvement in the claims process is so important to us that we have created a web portal designed to give each client 24/7 access to the status of their claim. That is not to say that any time or effort will be required from you. To the contrary, other than completing some initial registration forms, we require absolutely no work from you.

Step 1. Give Consent for Success Auditing to process your claim. If we have reached out to you it is because our team has conducted an audit and located your claim. Thus, the most essential part of the process, the audit, has already been completed.  Once you have discussed your claim with one of our agents and consented to our processing of your claim, we will instruct you on how to complete the registration forms.

Step 2. Complete the paperwork which includes our contingency fee agreement. In the agreement, we will be happy to disclose the amount of the source of funds and the total amount of the funds to you. The second document is the release form, which authorizes us to communicate with the government on your behalf, all forms must be notarized. For your convenience, we can arrange for notary services to save you the time and effort of having to go to your local bank or post office in search of a notary. Once all of the forms have been completed signed and notarized, they must be returned to our office and get them ready for the claim.

Step 3. Process Your Claim. Claims are typically processed within 2 to 6 weeks after the date that your claim is submitted. You can expect to receive the funds from your claim, less the fee for our services, within thirty days of receipt