Search for Unclaimed Property in all 50 States.

Source: National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA)

U.S.Federal Savings Bonds

The official source of information in regards toU.S.Savings Bonds. Check this website for any Savings Bonds you may have forgotten about.

Pension Benefit Guaranty CorporationSearch for mission pension participants

Search for Unclaimed Pension Benefits that might be owed to you. 

US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Search for Unclaimed Refunds. If you had HUD/FHA insured the mortgage, you may have are fund on part of your insurance premium or a share of the earnings.

Veterans Administration Benefits

Search for Unclaimed Veterans Benefits owed to you by the Federal Government.

Bank of Canada

Search for unclaimed bank accounts held by The Bank of Canada.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Search for Unclaimed Money and Unclaimed Property held by The Australian Commonwealth Government.

Province of British Columbia

Search for Unclaimed Property held by the government of British Columbia, Canada.

U.S.Railroad Retirement Board

Search for unclaimed Railroad Retirement Benefits.

New York State Holocaust Claims Processing

Recover assets deposited in European Banks, money never paid in connection with insurance policies issued by European insurers, and recover lost or looted art in connection with the Holocaust and Nazi occupations.

New York Life Insurance Company

Search New York Life records of unclaimed assets for funds that may is owed to you or a member of your family.

Unclaimed MoneyFrance